Thursday, July 30, 2009

Apple cider vinegar for wart removal

Here some tips for wart removal.

When, warts, the virus is human papillomavirus (HPV) family, can grow in all parts of the body. Not only are warts ugly and embarrassing, they can be painful and are highly contagious. It is therefore advisable to remove warts, especially as they are.

Alternative medical treatment Wart removal of frequently used chemicals, including salicylic acid, cantharidin and liquid nitrogen.

Surgical Wart removal is also a possibility. In addition to the painful and relatively expensive, and some traditional methods Wart removal of scars. In addition, some thought that the alternative medicine treatments Wart Removal Costs convicted.

If you have tried alternative medicine treatments for Wart Removal expenses, without success, or if you just want a natural and inexpensive method Wart removal, try apple cider vinegar!

What you need to remove the warts Apple Cider Vinegar

If you want to remove warts apple cider vinegar, you need three things:

1. Apple cider vinegar (all brands)
2. Cotton (either cotton balls or cotton cosmetic pads work well)
3. Band-aid

If you want to remove the warts by using Apple Cider Vinegar

1. Wash thoroughly with soap and water, clean the wart and the area around nipple. Gently with a dry towel.
2. Soak a cotton Apple cider vinegar.
3. Place the cotton that is soaked with apple cider vinegar on the wart with a band-aid.
4. Leave a cotton soaked with apple cider vinegar on the wart overnight.
5. When the morning, do the steps 2 clock-3 clock again.

If possible, at a time when the treatment, your wart should be used with cotton, which is soaked with apple cider vinegar at all times. If this is not possible, for whatever reason, do it as much as possible. For example, if your face and you do not want to tour with the ugly side of cotton takes place the following day, only if you are at home and when you sleep. Or, if you have warts on the bottom feet and it is unpleasant to walk around with an apple-bandaged-soaked cotton balls is less than the feet, then the only treatment when the night sleep.

What you can expect WHILE treating warts Apple Cider Vinegar

1. The wart is likely the black during this process. This is normal and has nothing to fear.
2. The wart is dry and starts to decrease. This is a good thing!
3. Some people have pain when you use Apple Cider Vinegar for Wart Removal Costs. This is normal and nothing, but it is up to you whether you can change the pain.

Are you skeptical that something as simple as apple cider vinegar can be used for Wart Removal Cost? Why do not we give it a try anyway? It is for many people, and also you do not have anything to lose other than the ugly and painful warts!

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