Here the info about alternative wart treatment.
At least 50 different growths are classified as skin warts. All are caused by strains of human papillomavirus (HPV) which infects the epithelial cells of the skin, which increases abnormally fast. The virus is easily transmitted from person to person by direct contact. The most common warts vulgaris, also known as common warts. Occasionally, nearly everyone has one or more of these benign growths, which are easily identifiable by their appearance. Usually develop in the fingers, elbows, knees, or forehead. Other types of warts include: warts filiform, long, narrow growths on the face, neck or eyelids. Flat warts, usually multiple, tend to develop on the face, back of hands, neck or chest. It is often spread by scratching or shaving. Laryngeal papillomas that grow in the larynx in children after a vaginal birth or in adults due to oral sex. Pedunculata warts that resemble a cauliflower and usually occur in the head or neck. Periungual warts, which grow around the nails. Plantar warts that form on the soles of the feet, warts and mosaics, which are small clusters of plantar warts. Venereal or moist warts, which develop in the genital area and are sexually transmitted. Most warts are benign, but there are exceptions. For example, genital warts and laryngeal papillomas can become cancerous, and in people with lower immunity, malignancies may develop in the pre-existing warts. Diagnostic studies and procedures Most warts are diagnosed on the basis of appearance and location. Any that are biopsied are potentially malignant. Medical Treatment Although the warts usually disappear by themselves, can take months or years. Warts are not dangerous, but treatment may be advisable if you are in your hands or other areas where it spreads easily. The physician can quickly remove by freezing with liquid nitrogen, burning with an electric needle, or performing laser surgery. These methods, however, can cause scarring, and approximately one third repetition. Chemical treatment may be preferable. One approach to the implementation of a powerful acid, cantharidin (Cantharone), two or three times, and then for the industry, for seven hours with tape. The wart should come out when the tape was removed, if not, the treatment can be repeated in one or two weeks. Flat warts are often treated with daily applications of tretinoin, which promotes skin peeling. In stubborn cases, some peeling, such as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid are added to the system. Plantar warts are difficult to remove. A treatment for calls to bring the tape that contains 40 percent of salicylic acid for several days, when the wart is fairly mild, a doctor can usually seems far away. Several treatments may be needed, however, warts and even these have a tendency to recur. Another approach to the wart injected with bleomycin, an anti-cancer drug. The wart may also be removed surgically. Alternative Therapies And folk remedies abound. Some work, but they are not infallible. Herbal Medicine Daily application of aloe vera juice from the plant is said to make a wart go away in a matter of weeks. Rub the wart with a clove of garlic is another popular remedy herbal. Naturopathy Some naturopaths claim put mashed fresh figs on the wart for half an hour a day for two or three weeks. If this fails, other measures proposed are: Make a paste, carrots and olive oil and apply to the wart for half an hour twice a day. Dab or lemon juice on the wart and cover with chopped raw onions for half an hour. Do this every day for two or three weeks. Rub the contents of a capsule of vitamin E on the wart every day has worked for some people. Self hypnosis and visualization These techniques have been credited with the removal of warts, but the evidence is insufficient. Treatment of the free Several wart removal products are available OTC in pharmacies. One is the salicylic acid in a gel, liquid, paste or medicated. To remove a wart with it, soak the wart in warm water for 5 to 10 minutes to dry, apply the acid, and cover with tape 8 to 10 hours. Remove the tape and gently rub or scrape the wart. Repeat the process until the wart disappears. If you try to remove a plantar wart you use great care not to damage the surrounding tissue. First let interested in walking for 10 minutes in ½ gallon of warm water for 2 tablespoons of mild detergent to wash the dishes or have been added. Then apply a 40 percent salicylic acid plaster directly on the wart and cover with tape or a bandage for 48 hours. While the wart is still soft, rub vigorously with a toothbrush to peel away the upper layers. Repeat until the wart is gone, which usually lasts two weeks. If your feet sweat a lot, wear cotton socks.
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