There are many types of warts that can plague the feet, the hands or even the genitals. Warts appear in a variety of forms, most often with a scattered, raised, bumpy surface on the fingers and toes.
Plantar warts appear on the bottom of the feet and appear within the superficial layer of the skin. Freezing treatments are available from the drug store which has proven effective in the treatment of plantar warts. Some opt to use salicylic acid at home, as it can get rid of the callous surface that develops - characteristic of the plantar wart.
Common warts should be treated with salicylic acid, as freezing treatments available at the drug store are often ineffective on hand warts. Although these warts can be unsightly, they can pose no real damage to the skin unless located in close proximity to the fingernail.
Flat warts can show up on any part of the body: the torso, groin or face and arms. They appear like a pimple and can be treated by salicylic acid. These warts often return after being treated, and another dose of salicylic acid is in order to get rid of them again. Although these pose no harm, they should be treated to avoid irritation. Many people mistake these warts for pimples, which they can appear as.
Common warts are growth on the skin that is caused by the virus, HPV. Although warts are apparently contagious, it is possible to avoid transmission by using protective measures such as wearing shoes in a communal showering area. Plantar warts, flat warts, or periungal warts are all types of common warts that are caused by this infection of HPV. These common warts are similar in appearance as a dome shape on the skin, raised and creating a bumpy surface.
Common warts are treated with the use of chemicals to freeze the wart from the skin, or chemicals which are used to annihilate the wart. A simple visit to the drug store can be effective in the treatment and removal of the common wart. Products are available that contain salicylic acid, which will kill the wart after continuing treatment for a significant period of time.
Did you know that some people choose to treat the wart by smothering it using tape? Duct tape or electrical tapes are most relevant as they are unable to breathe. Using this method, the tape must remain in place for weeks, with it removed only hours per week. It can be difficult to maintain the tape in place for this extended period of time, making this method very unpopular. As unsightly as a wart can be on your feet, or hand - a large piece of tape may be harder to explain.
Many websites advocate that ignoring the wart will make it go away. This is often not the case, warts can grow, spread and take over a certain area - which can make them hard to ignore. For this reason, medical treatment should be sought in the removal of the wart rather than implementing the wait and see approach.
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